We envision people everywhere living in peace, harmony and joy.


PHJ Mission

Awaken peace, harmony and joy for people within themselves, with others and with the world; through sharing, connecting and facilitating.
The power to experience a better life exists within all of us. By taking conscious and active steps, anyone can realize that goal daily. To help make this happen, we apply a 3-pronged approach: Teach Connect Facilitate

The PHJ Model


Teach Connect Facilitate™

We build teams of PHJ Ambassadors from diverse backgrounds to share their personal experiences and PHJ principles for living more peaceful, harmonious and joyous lives.

We bring together like-minded individuals, groups and programs to share successes and create synergies.

We actively unite people, teams and communities with the programs and tools necessary to fold PHJ principles into daily living.

PHJ begins within us.

PHJ radiates to people near us.

PHJ spreads to those around the globe.

Learn more about PHJ in your world.

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